Graphite drawing
Year 9 students created large scale observational drawings of natural forms using pencil and graphite sticks focusing on developing the use of line, shape and tone. Working on a larger scale allowed students to gain confidence using strong shapes and tonal contrast as well as experiencing a freer drawing process.
Ink drawing
To encourage close observation of detail and texture students explored the ink drawing techniques used by the artist Albrecht Durer.
In response to their artist investigations students produced carefully observed small-scale studies of natural forms using pen and ink techniques with a focus on mark-making techniques.
In response to their artist investigations students produced carefully observed small-scale studies of natural forms using pen and ink techniques with a focus on mark-making techniques.
Directional shading ink drawings
Drawings inspired by the structures and forms of sculptures created by British artist Peter Randall-Page. Students experimented with using directional shading to create form.
Oil pastel monoprint drawings exploring mark-making techniques to create texture and tone.