This extra-curricular canvas painting enrichment project was a collaboration between the art and maths departments. Students from grades 6- 8 (age 11 to 14) worked together on this project.
Students created their own unique 'data selfies' in response to the work of Japanese contemporary artist Maki Katayama. Students collected and recorded data to represent time spent on a range of activities during an average week of their lives. Students then used a variety of mathematical processes to interpret their data such as bar charts and ratios. Finally students experimented with a range of strategies to visually represent their 'data selfies'.
Strong mathematicians took leadership roles to support their peers to use complex mathematical equations to generate numbers to choose colour schemes from a designer's colour manual. Problem solving was also involved in this project when students had to plan a way to interpret and depict their data using colours, shapes, patterns and symbols.
Students created their own unique 'data selfies' in response to the work of Japanese contemporary artist Maki Katayama. Students collected and recorded data to represent time spent on a range of activities during an average week of their lives. Students then used a variety of mathematical processes to interpret their data such as bar charts and ratios. Finally students experimented with a range of strategies to visually represent their 'data selfies'.
Strong mathematicians took leadership roles to support their peers to use complex mathematical equations to generate numbers to choose colour schemes from a designer's colour manual. Problem solving was also involved in this project when students had to plan a way to interpret and depict their data using colours, shapes, patterns and symbols.